AROCA SA Competition series comprises Supersprints run in conjunction with the Marque Sports Car Association of South Australia. There are generally four sprint rounds, and a six hour regularity relay event during each calendar year, with events generally spread over the period March to October. There are generally also one or two driver training days during the year.
Vehicle types and classes are based on:
- types: standard (unmodified), modified, and racing
- classes: less than 1600cc, 1601 – 2000cc, 2001 -3000cc and 3001cc or greater
Points are awarded in each AROCA category for results achieved during each event. Individual awards are given for each category after every event, with an overall trophy presented at the annual dinner after the close of the season.
The Marque Sports Car Association also presents awards for the year’s results. The Marque Sports Car Association presentation event is usually a picnic lunch with a club display at a venue such as a winery/oval in the month of February.
AROCA SA SuperSprint regulations were revised for 2010, were published in the March and April 2010 club magazine, and are shown in detail in the SuperSprint regs menu item.